The Basic Life of the Christian
Ephesians 3v20-21 4v1-3 4v23-32 5v1-6,15-17
Eph 3:20 To him who by means of his power working in us is able to do so much more than we can ever ask for, or even think of: 21 to God be the glory in the church and in Christ Jesus for all time, forever and ever! Amen.
Eph 4:1 I urge you, then---I who am a prisoner because I serve the Lord: live a life that measures up to the standard God set when he called you. 2 Be always humble, gentle, and patient. Show your love by being tolerant with one another. 3 Do your best to preserve the unity which the Spirit gives by means of the peace that binds you together.
Read Eph 4 v 23 – 32 and 5v1-6, 15-17
The Advantages of being a Christian
Underlying subconscious Happiness.
A big loving Christian family.
A purpose in life.
A peaceful feeling
A relaxed heart
Real friends
Decent marriages
Don’t have to worry
Access to the power of God.
Sanity = closeness to God. 1 Tim 1v7
Hope of going to Heaven
Your good friend is the Creator of the Universe – and He loves you
Doing Gods will produces JOY
You will live a fulfilled satisfied life
If you go all out for God, it will be an exciting life.
People that matter will respect you.
Your life will get brighter as you obey Jesus more and more
Jesus will teach you slowly and gently.
God really wants you in Heaven so He can give you all His love and a paradise to live in.
You can do all the fun things of life (bungee,skateboarding, boogie, biking, parties,etc) without ever feeling bad or guilty about what you do. God is an excellent surfer.
The Disadvantages of being a pagan
Insecurity – treading water in a sea of mud
Eventual lonliness
Stupid friends = backstabbers,idiots & scums
Tense subconsciously
No Heavenly backup
Self inflicted illnesses, stress.
Madness is proportional to distance from God
Eternal Hell after death
Unfaithful (marriage) partner
You will contribute to society’s collapse
You have to worry
You will become bitter and twisted in the end
Your fears will control you.
You will become steadily stupider, until you are a total moron
You will never be satisfied, because only God can satisfy the being that He made.
You have nothing to hope for that lasts
You will have to do what the devil wants, which is meant to kill you. The devil wants you dead and in hell.
You look in the mirror in the morning and think “What the hell am I living for?”
You will feel absolute terror when you are dying, when the demons collect you.
The Disadvantages of being a Christian
You will lose most of your skommie friends
You may lose the respect of scumbags, slimebuckets and fools.
You will have to fight temptation for the rest of your life, and you will loose the fight sometimes, but not always.
You will have to go against the crowd.
You will have to do what God wants and not what you want, but it will be for your own good anyway.
Sometimes you will have to suffer, but Jesus will always be with you in it.
You will need to be brave at times – this means that you will have to do some things that you are really afraid of doing.
You have to tell the truth.
You have to love with agapē love.
You will have to think of others before yourself.
The advantages of being a Non Christian
You can do anything you want until you are jailed or get a disease or die young
You can sin now and pay later, but you pay forever.
The devil says you can be your own boss, but he lies. He will be your boss, and he'll grind you.
The devil says it will be fun, but he doesn’t tell you that it gets less fun the more you do it. And it ends in death – physical & spiritual.
The devil says it will satisfy you, but this is an outright lie – you will never stay satisfied.
You can be lazy.
You can be a jerk.
You can be nasty – but everyone will hate you and despise you.
You are free to destroy yourself slowly. You can lie, cheat, smoke, drink, do drugs and sex - and it won't be free for long.
God's way of doing things WORKS
He reckons You're Worth It !
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